Building a RPM for Supervisor

Start with a skeleton specfile, which can be generated using rpmdev-newspec:

rpmdev-newspec supervisor.spec

The example specfile used to write this post can be found here.

Package metadata #

The basic package metadata can be extracted from Supervisors existing package metadata ( and it’s website (

Name: supervisor
Version: 3.0
Release: 1
Summary: A system for controlling process state under UNIX

Group: System Environment/Daemons

Supervisor is a client/server system that allows its users to control a number
of processes on UNIX-like operating systems.

Defining requirements #

Supervisor requires Python 2.4 or above (excluding Python 3.0), Setuptools (a packaging library), and meld3 (a library used inside Supervisor). In CentOS, these are packaged as python, python-setuptools and python-meld3, and so are added to the package requirements using their package names.

Requires: python > 2.4
Requires: python < 3
Requires: python-meld3 >= 0.6.5
Requires: python-setuptools

Sources #

Supervisor is developed on GitHub, which provides source tarballs for repositories.

In the best case, the source url could be defined in the specfile, and spectool could be used to download the tarball into the SOURCES folder:

spectool --get-files --sourcedir supervisor.spec

Unfortunately, Github’s tarball URLs use a series of redirects that result in a different name for the file, and so the files downloaded by spectool don’t match the filenames rpmbuild expects.

Instead, I’ve used a Makefile that downloads the tarball (and ensures the filename is correct, which also makes it easy to checksum the sources before using them. The Makefile used to build the package is decribed later on in the article. For now, the specfile only has to know the name of the downloaded tarball:

Source0: supervisor-%{version}.tar.gz

Building from source #

The package is built across three major steps: prep, build and install.

The preparation step is simple, and does nothing but extract the source tarball. The -n option describes the name of the tarball to extract, though %{name}-%{version} is the default anyway:

%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}

The build step uses setuptools to build the package, and then calls it again to install the package into the ‘build root’:

%{__python} build
%{__python} install --skip-build --root $RPM_BUILD_ROOT

Finally, the specfile has to define the files that will be included in the package:


This declares that the files should be owned by root, that Supervisors documentation should be placed in a automatic documentation directory, that each of the scripts Supervisor provides should be included, and that all of the Python modules that were installed should be included.

This should result in a directory tree like this:

└── usr
    ├── bin
    │   ├── echo_supervisord_conf
    │   ├── pidproxy
    │   ├── supervisorctl
    │   └── supervisord
    ├── lib
    │   └── python2.6
    │       └── site-packages
    │           ├── supervisor
    │           ├── supervisor-3.0-py2.6.egg-info
    │           └── supervisor-3.0-py2.6-nspkg.pth
    └── share
        └── doc
            └── supervisor-3.0
                ├── CHANGES.txt
                ├── COPYRIGHT.txt
                ├── LICENSES.txt
                ├── PLUGINS.rst
                └── README.rst

Including configuration #

As well as Supervisor itself, including distribution specific information is useful, and one of the primary reasons to build an RPM for it. Firstly, an init script to mange the service is needed, and that requires default configuration so that Supervisor can be started.

Two additional sources are used, containing an init script and a Supervisor configuration file.

Source0: supervisor-%{version}.tar.gz
Source1: supervisor.init
Source2: supervisor.conf

The Supervisor configuration used is a simple as possible, only overriding the options needed to run Supervisor as a system service (by default, most of Supervisors files are placed in /tmp):



supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supervisor.rpcinterface:make_main_rpcinterface


files = /etc/supervisor.d/*.conf

These files are added to the install step, along with the directories they need:

mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_initrddir}
install -p -m 755 %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}/%{_initrddir}/supervisord
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/supervisord.d
install -p -m 644 %{SOURCE2} %{buildroot}/%{_sysconfdir}/supervisord.conf
mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}
%{__python} install --skip-build --root $RPM_BUILD_ROOT

Finally, the package needs to be configured to add the supervisord service to chkconfig using the post-install step:

/sbin/chkconfig --add %{name}d || :

And to then remove it in the pre-uninstall step:

if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
    /sbin/service supervisord stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
    /sbin/chkconfig --del %{name}d || :

The $1 = 0 statement checks that the package is being removed.

With these changes, the specfile should be complete, and the directory tree should now include files in /etc and /var:

├── etc
│   ├── rc.d
│   │   └── init.d
│   │       └── supervisord
│   ├── supervisord.conf
│   └── supervisord.d
├── usr
│   ├── bin
│   │   ├── echo_supervisord_conf
│   │   ├── pidproxy
│   │   ├── supervisorctl
│   │   └── supervisord
│   ├── lib
│   │   └── python2.6
│   │       └── site-packages
│   │           ├── supervisor
│   │           ├── supervisor-3.0-py2.6.egg-info
│   │           └── supervisor-3.0-py2.6-nspkg.pth
│   └── share
│       └── doc
│           └── supervisor-3.0
└── var
    └── log
        └── supervisor

Automating the build with make #

Since rpmbuild requires all sources to be placed in ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES, I’ve used a makefile to automate the collecting the sources, and building the RPM:


version=$(shell grep Version ${specfile} | awk '{ print $$2 }')
release=$(shell grep Release ${specfile} | awk '{ print $$2 }')



${package}: ${rpmbuild_package}
    cp ${rpmbuild_package} ${package}

${rpmbuild_package}: sources
    rpmbuild -ba ${specfile}

sources: ${tarball}
    spectool --list-files ${specfile} | awk '{ print $$2 }' | xargs -i cp "{}" ${HOME}/rpmbuild/SOURCES/

    wget ${tarball_url} --output-document ${tarball}
    md5sum -c sources

.PHONY: sources

The version and release are read from the specfile, the used to work out the package name. spectool is used to list the sources required and copy them into rpmbuilds directories, and wget is used to fetch the source tarball due to the previously mentioned issues with redirects.


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